Greetings From Second Grade!
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December 2017 - Posts
Happy December 1st!

My oh my, where has the time gone~?~!

Your children are growing in so many ways; it is a pleasure to be able to witness it first hand.  

I wish you all a blessed Advent Season.  As we begin our preparation for the birth of our Lord, let us prepare our hearts with prayer.  We have started reciting the St. Andrew Novena in class.  This should be prayed at least 15 times a day, each day until Christmas.  I did send the children home with a copy, however, if you click on the link in this note, you will link to the website with the prayer. I have come to rely on this Novena over the last few years.  It is powerful in many ways.  I hope that you and your family spend the time and you can experience the power of this prayer. 

God be with you, always.
Posted by Guest  On Dec 01, 2017 at 9:00 AM